Weeds + Wildflowers

find me among the wildflowers…. with a book.



Hi friend! I’m so glad you’re here!

This blog is dedicated to the many hours I spend reading. Hopefully you find something to enjoy among the many books I’ve read. I’m always looking for books to add to my TBR, so make sure you leave your recommendations in the comments section!

A little bit more about me….

I believe in chasing sunsets + obsessively loving sunflowers. I believe in worshipping loudly + off key as often as possible. I believe in wearing yellow, always. I believe in cookies + bread + mental health. I believe in best friends + loving people where they’re at. And, in case you need to hear this, I believe in you.

Tidbits: I’m an Enneagram 9w1. I belong in Hufflepuff. I’m an INFJ. And I live my life by the motto: choose to shine.