I honestly don’t know, but here’s my attempt:

This book is everything we love about Karla Sorensen books. It has the family, the football, and *alllllllllllllllllll* of the feelings. It has the found or made family, it has the real family, the football family, which in turn brings LOVE to the heart of this book in the most beautiful way possible.

One and Only has all the things in the book world that I would want, should I one day be able to become a fictional character and enter a fictional universe, and the only thing that could have made this book more perfect would be a reference to “What would Paige Ward do?” because that’s a slogan I find myself wondering pretty often.

Tropes: Single Dad, Opposites Attract, Fake Marriage, Slow Burn, Found Family

Beckett and Greer are opposites, but their chemistry is five alarm fire smoking hot/can’t be missed. Even though this is a SLOW BURN (and you know I love my slow burns), Karla did an amazing job of turning up the heat between these two… these two kissed for their fake relationship and their fake wedding, but I still couldn’t wait for the first *real* kiss… JUST KISS ALREADY PLEASE. But also, thank you for going slow because Beckett+intimacy=trust and that’s also pretty hot and a whole lot more meaningful and it makes the wait WORTH IT.

The things I LOVED:

– the Wilder crew (obviously). There was just the right amount of time spent with the Wilder siblings, and I need Sheila and Tim in my life to be my guiding light. Their love is so inspirational, and I just love how they know each kid needs different things.

– BECKETT AND OLIVE. My goodness. If I wasn’t already ready to make my spouse a dad, I would be experiencing an extreme case of baby fever. Beckett’s commitment to his daughter is what *dream men* are made of. Seriously. He’s so kind and protective and introverted (like me), so I feel like I connected a lot to him as a parent who wants to love their kid through all of life’s challenges.

– GREER AND OLIVE. The way that Greer accepts Olive just as she is and wins her over by being herself is such a beautiful thing. Greer meets Olive where she’s at, and then shows Olive that there’s all these ways that she can be herself and learn and connect with the world around her (bonus points for Greer bringing the Wilder crew into Olive and Beckett’s life – the Wilder chaos to the Coleman quiet is a beautiful thing to witness).

– Greer’s relationship with her siblings. Although inconvenient at times (uhm, Poppy), Greer always has someone in her business, wanting to know what’s going on, or giving her a hard time. I just have one sibling and it feels like Greer’s family has more fun 😉

– Beckett and Josie. Talk about co-parenting relationship of the year. These two take such good care of Olive and navigate through co-parenting by modeling good communication and teamwork. Dare I say, some real marriages don’t have the level of commitment to their children that these two do, and they also set an inspiring example.

– Random Taylor Swift lyric references… you know I love Taylor Swift. Thanks Karla! STAY STAY STAY.

– “I’m here to get my wife.” <– that’s all 🙂

– The third act drama is super realistic and the time apart is…… perfect. No spoilers, just read the dang book 🙂

Other things I LOVED:

– FOOTBALL. Can we have some Portland Voyagers merch PLEASE?

– Clarence the cat


– Greer picking up Olive from school and having a little *discussion* with her bully

– Greer and Olive drawing wildflowers in the backyard and painting her own garden

– Beckett, Greer, and Olive when Olive has a nightmare

– Glimpses of Erik and Lydia and Adaline and Emmett (from The Plan and The Crush)

– Hints as to what’s to come for the Wilder siblings in the continuation of this series

I’m not joking when I say I wish I could give this book *ALL THE FREAKING STARS* but at least I can give it 5 stars. This book is everything I love about romance and then some.

Thank you so much to Karla and her team for sending me a completed copy of the discreet cover to read early! EEEEK. It was such a treat! I purchased the original copy from Amazon… both are live now! So go grab a copy of the original cover here or the discreet cover here. This one publishes Tuesday and will be available in Kindle Unlimited then!